In an exciting development for the South Asian film industry, The Glassworker, an anime-inspired animated film directed by Usman Riaz, has been officially selected as Pakistan’s entry for the prestigious 2025 Oscars in the International Feature Film category. This remarkable hand-drawn film premiered globally at the Annecy International Animation Film Festival, where it has since garnered immense national and international acclaim.
A Landmark Achievement in Animation
After a decade of dedicated effort, The Glassworker made its big-screen debut in 2024, marking it as Pakistan’s first-ever 2D animated feature film. It has received nominations for Best Film at Annecy and Best Animation Film at the Shanghai International Film Festival, highlighting its artistic and narrative excellence. With this Oscar submission, the creators of The Glassworker aim to showcase the film’s compelling storytelling and unique artistic style to a global audience.
Director Usman Riaz took to Instagram to express his pride, stating, “We are thrilled to announce that The Glassworker has been selected as Pakistan’s submission for the International Feature Film category at the 2025 Oscars. This marks a historic moment for 2D hand-drawn animated films from Pakistan.”
A Compelling Storyline
The Glassworker narrates the poignant tale of Vincent Oliver, an aspiring glassblower navigating the complexities of love and war. The film explores Vincent’s relationships with his anti-war father, Tomas Oliver, and his beloved Alliz Amano, the daughter of a Colonel leading a tumultuous conflict. This visually stunning narrative incorporates supernatural elements, creating a rich and immersive experience for viewers.
As societal pressures mount, the Olivers face ostracism for their refusal to enlist in the war. The situation escalates when Colonel Amano’s soldiers confront Vincent’s father, forcing him to choose between enlisting or producing weapons for the military, a dilemma that highlights the personal costs of war.
Recognition and Audience Support
In 2022, The Glassworker was showcased in the ‘Work In Progress’ category at the Annecy International Animation Festival, a prestigious platform known for spotlighting potential award-winning films. The film has been celebrated for its dedication to diversity, featuring a talented team of young artists with a median age of 27, and 52% of the crew consisting of women.
Usman Riaz expressed his gratitude for the overwhelming support from audiences, especially from India, where the film’s English trailer has gained significant traction. “The love and support from Indian fans have been incredible,” he noted. “The English trailer has received the second-most views from India, just after the United States.”
A New Era for South Asian Animation
As The Glassworker embarks on its journey toward the Oscars, it not only represents a milestone for its creators but also signals a bright future for animated storytelling in Pakistan. With collaborations spanning across countries like Malaysia, the Philippines, Japan, and the United States, The Glassworker is set to inspire a new generation of animators in the region.
This film serves as a testament to the growing potential of South Asian cinema, proving that high-quality animated works can emerge from the region, capturing the hearts of audiences worldwide.
Stay tuned for updates as this groundbreaking film aims to make history at the 2025 Oscars!
Get Involved! Join us in celebrating The Glassworker, Pakistan’s anime-inspired film making waves on its journey to the Oscars! Share your thoughts in the comments, follow our page for updates, and spread the word to support this groundbreaking achievement in Pakistani animation!